Steamed Rice Rolls (Fawm Kauv) Pictorial

I loved eating these when I was younger because it was a treat whenever my mom made it–which was only once or twice a year.  As I grew older and started cooking, I would often make these whenever the mood struck me.  Nowadays, my husband is sick and tired of eating them because I’ve made them so often.  There was a point when I made these almost every week.  And now I’m getting a bit tired of making them (and eating them), too.  I don’t know what I’m going to do with the 12 bags of powder we have in the closet….

Steamed Rice Rolls/Fawm Kauv


–  2 lbs ground pork

–  1 bunch green onion, sliced thinly

–  3 tbsp canola oil

–  2 bags of steamed rice roll powder

–  8-9 cups water *

–  2 tbsp oil

–  salt, to taste

–  black pepper, to taste

*The directions on the back of the bag says use 4 cups of water/bag but I like my batter thinner so I use 4.5 cups of water/bag.  Start out with 8 cups and adjust to your taste.


1.  In a pot, heat up the oil and add the ground pork.  Salt and pepper to taste.

2.  Once the ground pork is fully cooked, add the green onions and cook for 1-2 minutes.

3.  Drain the mixture in a colander or spoon the mixture into a bowl.

4.  In a large bowl, mix the 2 bags of rice roll powder, 8-9 cups of water, and 1 tbsp of oil.  Stir until there are no more lumps.

5.  On medium high heat, heat a non-stick pan.  Take a small piece of paper towel, fold it into a small square and dab it into the oil.  Wipe the hot pan with it and set aside.

6.  Pour a small amount of batter (1/4 – 1/2 cup)  into the pan, making sure to swirl the pan around so the liquid covers the bottom of the pan.

7.  Cover the pan and let cook for about 15-20 seconds.

8.  Uncover the pan and flip the thin crepe onto a plate.  Fill with the meat mixture and fold it like a burrito or eggroll.

Steamed Rice Rolls/Fawm Kauv Pictorial

Cooking the ground pork

Cooked ground pork

Add green onions

Cooked meat mixture

Meat mixture in a bowl

Bag of steamed rice roll powder

Steamed rice roll batter

Uncooked (seconds after the batter hit the hot pan)

Cooked (notice that it shrunk and the edges are crispier)

Add pork & green onion filling

Fold in opposite ends

Fold in third end

Continue rolling

All rolled up

Finished product

Peanut Pepper Sauce


–  1 cup peanuts

–  1/2 lime

–  2-3 Thai chili peppers

–  fish sauce, to taste

–  water, to taste

–  MSG, to taste

–  salt, to taste


1.  In a mortar and pestle, crush the peanuts.  Scoop out and put in a bowl.

2.  Add Thai chili peppers, MSG, & salt and pound until broken into small pieces.  Add to peanuts.

3.  Add about 1-3 tbsp of fish sauce, 2-3 tbsp of water, lime juice, and a dash of MSG to the peanuts and pepper.  Stir and add more fish sauce/water/lime to taste.

Peanut Pepper Sauce Pictorial


Crushed peanuts

Hot Thai chili peppers

Salt & MSG



Add fish sauce

Add lime juice

Add water

Add pepper


Dry Chili Pepper


–  1 tbsp dry chili pepper

–  3 tbsp fish sauce


1.  In a small bowl, add the dry chili pepper and fish sauce together.  Stir and serve.

Dry Chili Pepper Pictorial

Dry chili powder

Dry chili powder in a bowl

Add fish sauce


My plate:

Plate of fawm kauv

Add sauces

Cut up and ready to eat!

I have to admit, these are VERY time consuming to make because you can only make them one at a time but trust me, they are worth it.  I don’t like most restaurant or deli fawm kauv because they’re 1) too thick  2) taste weird  3) not enough filling and 4) they’re EXPENSIVE!  Depending on where you buy them, they can run from $3-$6 for a small package.  I can make enough to feed Chong and myself based on $6.  Plus, when you make them yourself, you can eat it while it’s still hot and freshly made, which is the best time to eat it.  Oh yes, these were what I spent 6 hours making on Mother’s Day.

20 comments so far

  1. MaiBao on

    My aunt makes the best fawm kauv that I know of. She adds enough water and powder to make the perfect consistency for the rolls. I asked for her secret and she says, “You just need to add water and powder.” Duh! I know that! But how much of each is the question. I use a different brand from the one you use, and the directions on the bag makes the rolls really thick. I always add in more water, but it’s not like my aunt’s. 😦

    • Rebecca Lee on

      Yes, many people does not want to tell their secret recipe to others !! Very selfish auntie you have !! Too bad !!

      • adoseofmee on

        You’re right, a lot of people don’t want to share their secrets but why hide something when you can share it with the world and let everyone enjoy a little piece of yourself?

  2. adoseofmee on

    It annoys me when people give unhelpful “directions” like that. I like this bag and the green bag, although it’s a bit oilier. If the mixture is too thick, I just add 1/2 water until it’s the right consistency.

  3. emmertt on

    That sauce looks hecka good. As for the fawm kauv, i guess it depends on what you like ot put in it too. I liek mine plain, so i just cook the meat, that’s about it. haha. Although, i do remember when i was younger, my cousins and i would love to do the cabbage roll? Instead of the white flower, we’ll soak the cabbage until it’s soft and roll it up in whatever we like, kinda like those vietnamese rolls. Hella good though. :DmmMmm

  4. adoseofmee on

    The only cabbage rolls I’ve had was cabbage egg rolls–which I’m not that big of a fan of. I prefer the deep-fried, greasy, crunchy egg rolls.

    • hmongcancook on

      I’m making some spring rolls today and looking for a new dipping sauce, so I will try your dipping sauce today. Thanks for sharing and loving the youtube videos.

      • adoseofmee on

        Yum! I love spring rolls, especially in this weather. I’m not sure how well the peanut dipping sauce would work with spring rolls (I’ve never combined them together before) but let me know what you think. I prefer regular hoisin or the Vietnamese dipping sauce.

  5. […] Friday, July 23, 2010 by adoseofmee 4 Comments Fawm Kauv, one of my favorite food.  Enjoy the video!  Here’s the pictorial. […]

  6. Eggrolls Pictorial « A Dose Of Mee on

    […] **The peanut dipping sauce recipe and pictorial can be found here. […]

  7. amie on

    I didn’t even know that we could cook something like this in our hmong recipe…until when I went to visit my aunt in the USA and she made some for me and damn ever since then I’ve been craving for it…but we don’t have hmong store in our country but we do have vietnamese store and they don’t seem to carry those kind of powder.
    btw, I’m from Canada! keep up the good work!

    • adoseofmee on

      Wow, you’ve been missing out on some good food then! Take a good look around the Asian/Vietnamese store the next time you go in–you just might come across a bag of steamed rice roll flour. Good luck!

    • Anonymous on

      Instead of using the actual bags of flour to make them, the stores there might have rice flour and tapioca starch. Mix the two bags together and add 12 cups water. There you go! It makes A LOT, A LOT. Trust me. I usually add a tablespoon of oil to it and a dash of salt. Work great.

      Learned this from one of my in laws and I’ve been using it since. I made some last night and got at least 50, and threw the rest of the mix away because I got tired. >.<

      • adoseofmee on

        I used to mix the purple steamed rice roll bag, rice flour and tapioca flour together and add an x amount of water but that just made too many so now I stick to the regular bags of flour.

  8. Anonymous on

    i really really REALLY want some now.

  9. Dan on

    That looks delicious!! do they stick to each other on the plate, I want to make some and bring them to work, how well do they hold up in the fridge overnight?

    • adoseofmee on

      Yes, after a few minutes, they end up sticking to each other. I wouldn’t suggest making them the night before and putting them in the fridge because the rolls get hard and the texture is rubbery. It’d be best if you make them fresh the day of, if you have the time, otherwise, leaving them out in room temperature is what I’ve found is the best way to eat leftovers the next day.

  10. Rebecca Lee on

    What flour is it in ‘ Steamed rice roll powder’ Is it rice flour ?? Or mixture of flours — rice flour, tapioca flour, potato flour ? As we can’t buy it in Malaysia

    • adoseofmee on

      I haven’t looked at the ingredients on the back of the bag but I think it’s a mixture of flours. I’ll list the ingredients the next time I make some and will let you know.

  11. rebeccalee586 on

    @MaiBao, next time when you make the rolls or any recipe of pancake that has batter , make the 1st roll or pancake, if it is too thick, add more water to make it thinner. I wonder is this steam roll powder is rice flour or mixture of flours ( rice flour mixed with some tapioca flour ) as I can’t get it here in Malaysia. Happy cooking

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